PicoLAN-A Concurrent Multi-User Control System

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Jayvijay V Shah, Vedant Ganguly, Krishna Patel, Prof. Chitra Bhole


PicoLAN is an application that controls multiple computers simultaneously in a local area network (LAN) using a single computer. The former machines are the slaves and the latter is the master. The master must execute commands such that they are executed on the slave nodes at the same time. PicoLAN is developed by using and extending the existing remote desktop sharing technologies. Since the number of existing solutions that support simultaneous remote control are very few and do not scale to an expected level, a genuine approach is made to develop a better substitute to the existing solutions using least resources. The concept of PicoLAN differs from that of remote desktop sharing where the increasing number of connected clients degrades the performance of the whole system which eventually makes the system unsuitable for remote collaboration in a network. PicoLAN is a system which will make simultaneous remote collaboration suitable also with a high number of connected slaves. All the peers form a group and collaborate to perform tasks like document-editing, web page sharing, demonstrating tutorials to a group of people with the help of remote control, software updating on multiple systems, software installation on multiple systems etc. PicoLAN supports unicast as well as multicast communications and it will prove to be of great helpto all those who want to connect and collaborate more effectively.

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How to Cite
, J. V. S. V. G. K. P. P. C. B. (2015). PicoLAN-A Concurrent Multi-User Control System. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(10), 5937–5940. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i10.4964