Consistency of Reading Techniques to Enhance Expertised Based Language Proficiency For E.S.L Students

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Mr. K.V. Ram Mohan, Dr. Madhavi Kesari


English has become the significant language to access the information, interact and to share our ideas and thoughts with different parts of the world. It ranks the role of international language in various fields such as Medicine, Science and Technology, business, tourism etc., To attain the mastery of the language, students have to be enlightened to utilize skills and strategies to understand the texts. Reading involves the interaction to deal with the texts to extract the information, recognize the writing styles through graphic signs, diagrams etc., and decode the information using their background knowledge. For example, W. Grabe and L.F. stoller, define reading as “the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret this information appropriately.” [06]. Therefore, the students should be trained to cultivate reading habits , adopt ways to construct the meaning, lexical patterns, grammar and sentence patterns through automatic retention to understand the texts. Extensive Reading gives an ample scope to develop the language and the relevant schemata to decode the printed material such as fluent reading, fast eye movements, Skimming, Scanning the relevant information to become independent readers. The students have the freedom to select books from a broad variety of books such as Fiction, Biographies, Non-Fiction, comics, animated short stories for general understanding of the language rather than to check the meanings, analyse the Grammar and sentence formations. The research findings have shown that the materials chosen for the second Language Learners have to be graded to implant the regular reading habits to enhance their vocabulary. Graded Readers are the simplified versions of the original texts, light in weight, economical with easy vocabulary to create interest to read further. Reading facilitates the readers to grasp words, syntax and automatic retention of vocabulary takes place as the reader comes across the words repeatedly in different contexts in short stories, comics, Newspapers etc., This can be achieved through practical methods to provide materials which creates interest ,enjoyment and the reader’s motivation to select books suited to their level of understanding. Therefore, the students should be trained to flood books on different topics to implant the reading habits which requires various skills and strategies like Cognitive, Meta-cognitive to explore the hidden treasure of knowledge and to avoid reading the books if it lacks interest or beyond the reach of student’s understanding. This paper tries to focus on students reading habits, comprehension abilities and to utilize the relevant strategies such as skimming, Scanning, analyzing, evaluating the textual knowledge and to enhance the automatic retention of vocabulary. Extensive reading supports the readers to apply the relevant schematic knowledge to grasp the material through mind mapping, graphic signs, decode the information as the reader brings the information, knowledge to the printed material. This involves the fluent reading of enormous printed materials with few follow up exercises as the level of understanding depends on the experience of the reader, reading habits and to utilize the relevant schemata to understand the texts. The more the students read, the more retention of grasping the words, idioms, grammatical structures will automatically build up their confidence, motivation to read further to become independent readers.

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How to Cite
, M. K. R. M. D. M. K. (2015). Consistency of Reading Techniques to Enhance Expertised Based Language Proficiency For E.S.L Students. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(10), 5864–5868.