A Novel Encryption Scheme for Providing Security and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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Shafiqua C. Pathan, Prof. Dhananjay M. Sable


A Mobile Ad Hoc Network is a decentralized kind of remote system. It doesn't have any altered foundation and the hubs can impart straightforwardly between one another. Because of its open nature issues like security and vitality utilization emerges. This paper presents an in number encryption calculation keeping in mind the end goal to expand dependability and security for MANETs. At the point when huge volume of information is to be sent, information pressure method is a straightforward procedure, with the advantage of diminishing the transmission rate that devours less transfer speed and low power. Lempel –Ziv – Welch (LZW) pressure calculation when connected on coded message assists in furnishing security with low battery utilization. Such a plan composed practically speaking will help in building secure MANET based application.

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How to Cite
, S. C. P. P. D. M. S. (2015). A Novel Encryption Scheme for Providing Security and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(10), 5783–5786. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i10.4928