PACK: Prediction-Based Traffic Redundancy Elimination System & provide secure encryption in Cloud

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Amavi A. Vispute, Prof. H. A. Hingoliwal


In this paper, we use concept of PACK (predictive ACKs), which act like a traffic redundancy elimination (TRE) system, designed for cloud computing customers. TRE is designed on cloud to reduce traffic as well as cost regarding TRE Computation and storage will be optimized. The main advantage of the Pack Cloud-server is its ability to span end clients TRE effort, thus minimizing processing costs prompted by the TRE Algorithm. Unlike previous solutions Pack does not require server to continuously keep track on customer to maintain the status of the server.Pack maintain computing environment that combine server and client movement to maintain cloud elasticity. Pack is based on TRE technology; TRE is used to eliminate the transmission of redundant content as well as allow client to use newly received chunk to identify previously received chunks chains, which in turn can be used as reliable predictors future transmitted chunks.In our proposed work we are using encryption concept. we will send the chunks in encrypted format. For encryption we are using AES algorithm which is based on symmetric block cipher. This is using for security Purpose. We are going to secure our file from other traffics.

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How to Cite
, A. A. V. P. H. A. H. (2015). PACK: Prediction-Based Traffic Redundancy Elimination System & provide secure encryption in Cloud. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(10), 5778–5782.