Bio medical Waste Management : A Case Study of Pune City

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Vaishali D. Jaysingpure, Ashwin A. Mali, Samadhan D. Raut, Pranav S. Shinde


There are number of hospitals in all over the India which emits the Bio medical waste in large quantities in the form of contaminated and non-contaminated waste which are hazardous to health. Proper handling, treatment and disposal of Bio medical waste play a vital role in hospital infection controlled program. Unfortunately lack of adequate training, improper management, illiteracy about handling and awareness and no execution of Bio medical handling rules leads to staid health and environmental apprehension. Careless handling and disposal of these infectious wastes may lead to serious threat to life human as well as animals. This study explains the existing information about bio medical waste management, segregation, transportation, storage, treatment and disposal. Also this study explains lacunas of existing management system of bio medical waste, the recommendations and suggestions of bio medical waste management.

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How to Cite
, V. D. J. A. A. M. S. D. R. P. S. S. (2017). Bio medical Waste Management : A Case Study of Pune City. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(5), 166–169.