A Survey: Secure Data Storage Techniques in Cloud Computing

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Rakhi Emelaya, Dr. Sanjay Agrawal


Cloud computing is an era of research where we are looking for a fast and efficient computing solution with dynamic data. Cloud computing provide us a service which is use and pay on demand services, thus the user can have multiple options for data processing system. Many of the techniques to store data using security algorithm have been applied on cloud computing, but still the issue is its giving slow speed compare to server technique. Thus, a secure encryption technique with low computation and early scheme is always required. In this paper, we utilize and uniquely combine the Optimized blowfish homomorphism encryption with SHA-2 for key generation to make encryption more authentic. The proposed solution mentioned by us can give enhancement in security aspects as well as it compute fast data processing.

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How to Cite
, R. E. D. S. A. (2015). A Survey: Secure Data Storage Techniques in Cloud Computing. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(9), 5376–5379. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i9.4846