Designing Techniques for Low Power Multipliers: A Review

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Swarnalika Nagi, Ms. Jagandeep Kaur, Ms. Nisha Charaya


Multipliers are fundamental building blocks of all DSP applications. Design of low power, high speed multipliers is carried out to reduce latency and power dissipation of a processing system because switching and critical computations of a multiplier are high, compared to other data path units of a processing architecture. In recent years, a few techniques have been developed that enhance power for accuracy by removing or rearranging multiplier?s blocks. Choosing the proper technique and implementing it can make a big difference in the power dissipation. This is important for low-power battery-operated devices, where longer battery life could be preferred to higher output accuracy. To enhance speed many changes have been made over the existing booth algorithm. In this paper, a simplified comparative study has been presented among SPST based Wallace tree multipliers and other low power multiplier techniques.

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How to Cite
, S. N. M. J. K. M. N. C. (2017). Designing Techniques for Low Power Multipliers: A Review. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(5), 135–138.