IAS - Investigation Assistance System Criminal tracking using fingerprint recognition system

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Manisha. D.P.


The Investigation Assistance System (IAS) is an integrated approach that enables faster and efficient investigation and detection of criminals. The system is used by the police departments to track the criminals by performing search either name wise, age-group wise and region wise and also using a fingerprint recognition system. This system also has facilities to register petty complaints from the public so that the police personnel can take appropriate action immediately. This integrated approach provides an intelligence platform that bridges the gap between the public and the Police Department and between the Forensics Science Laboratories and the Police Department and thus enables efficient use of police workforce and makes it easier to collect inputs needed for proper and quicker investigation of a case. The efficiency of the police personnel and the effectiveness with which they tackle criminal cases depend on the quality of information that it derives from the existing records and how fast they can access it.Thus, the system provides high quality and transparent policing that satisfies the aspirations of the public and also provides the intelligent tools and technologies to the Police Department to speed up the overall investigation process.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150805

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How to Cite
, M. D. (2015). IAS - Investigation Assistance System Criminal tracking using fingerprint recognition system. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(8), 5076–5079. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i8.4793