Fast Nearest Neighbor Search with Keywords in Spatial Databases

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Bolumalla Prasanna Jyothsna, Mr. Yeruva Sagar


In these days, many modern purposes name for novel varieties of queries that purpose to find objects pleasing both a spatial predicate, and a predicate on their related texts. Present answer for such queries has a couple of deficiencies that critically influence its effectivity. Prompted by way of this, in this venture, development of a new entry process called the spatial inverted index that extends the conventional inverted index to cope with multidimensional data, and is derived with algorithms that may reply nearest neighbor queries with key words in actual time. As tested via experiments, the proposed approaches outperform the IR2-tree in question response time tremendously, more commonly through a factor of orders of magnitude.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150803

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How to Cite
, B. P. J. M. Y. S. (2015). Fast Nearest Neighbor Search with Keywords in Spatial Databases. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(8), 5069–5072.