Design and Implementation of Scalable Wireless Sensor Network for Flood Detection and Evasion

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Mr. Abhijeet A Pasi, Prof. UdayBhave


Wireless sensor network has materialized as a influential technique for marine applications. Delugeinfluence is one of the substantialtragedies in the ecosphere. More than 50% of overall flood harms occur in Asia. Reasons of floods are natural factors such as heavy rainfall, high tides, low lying areas etc., and human factors such as obstruction of channels or augmentation of drainage channels, unsuitable land consumption, deforestation in headwater provinces, etc. Floods can cause losses of life and destructionof properties. Growing Population results in more urbanization, more rainproof area and less penetration and more flood peak and runoff.The objective of this paper is to develop such a WSN that can be used to monitor tide intensity and build a system that can prevent flood in coastal area. The focus is on the design and implementation of the wireless sensor node and that coordinateswith based base station. In this paper we describe the hardware and software architecture of this sensor network. This papervalidates the probability of using costeffective, flexible, and scalable sensor networks to address critical bottlenecks of the emergency response process.Therefore, a Wireless Sensors Network (WSN) is designed and implemented for monitoring of tide in sea and ocean.The System controls flood gate assembled on drainage system which avoids inundation of sea water in coastal area and the results of implementation are interpreted in this paper.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1507123

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How to Cite
, M. A. A. P. P. U. (2015). Design and Implementation of Scalable Wireless Sensor Network for Flood Detection and Evasion. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(7), 4962–4967.