Innovation in E-Attendance System using Biometrics

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Chaitanya Sunil Khachane, Dr. S. M. Jadhav


In this paper we propose a system that works on an attendance system using biometrics that authenticates the user and marks his/her attendance in the easiest way possible. The current system involves lots of paper work due to manual attendance by the faculty and even the RFID card based attendance system provides scope for proxy attendance. The proposed system is user friendly and complete wireless system that is accessible to students, admin, faculties and parents using a web portal which includes features like timetable generation, daily attendance report, weekly feedback mechanism, notifications to parents, pending approvals for admin and many more.

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How to Cite
, C. S. K. . D. S. M. J. (2017). Innovation in E-Attendance System using Biometrics. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(5), 91–93.