Dynamic Load Balancing and Self-load Migration with Delay Queue in DVE

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Mr. Kundan B.Pagar, Prof. Sachin Patil


Distributed Virtual environments are gaining a lot of attention recently, due to the ever improving popularity of on the internet and social networking sites. As the variety of contingency users of a distributed virtual environment increases the critical issue is coming up, the issue describes as improving amount of work between several web servers how can be balanced to maintain real-time efficiency. The variety of load balancing methods has been suggested recently but they either try to produce high quality load balancing outcomes and become too slow or highlight on efficiency and the load balancing outcomes become less effective. In this perform, the new approach is suggested to address this issue based on the Front load balancer. The heat diffusion methods is used to develop a load balancing system after that the front load balancer will create improvements in the Dynamic load balancing of the several web servers with Delay queue. The numbers of tests are performed to evaluate the efficiency of the suggested technique. The trial outcomes show that the suggested technique works effectively in reducing server over-loading while at the same time being efficient.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150778

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How to Cite
, M. K. B. P. S. P. (2015). Dynamic Load Balancing and Self-load Migration with Delay Queue in DVE. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(7), 4742–4746. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i7.4726