A Method for Two Face Detection and Comparison using Image Processing with MATLAB Techniques

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Swati Chauhan, Dr. S. M. Ghosh


This Research paper designing for two photos face similarity comparison method, first we have to capture camera picture for 13 megapixels of two faces Image. It should be set by Photoshop software from size between 1.5MB to 1.7 MB. The all sample Images to attach in MATLAB software and cerate joint Histogram graph for each Image. Then we get scaling (X, Y) coordinate for each joint Histogram minimum and maximum peak point. Then it should be stored in table format in Ms-Access before the table creation then we used to image processing technique in MATLAB .Then we create coddling sections to compared (Xi,Yi) and (Xj,Yj) where (i = 1,2,3.?.) and (j = 1,2,3,4?.) values. If Xi = Xj and Yi = Yj for each point if both point value are same then output will be ?similar image ? otherwise ? images are not same ? .

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How to Cite
, S. C. D. S. M. G. (2017). A Method for Two Face Detection and Comparison using Image Processing with MATLAB Techniques. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(5), 70–77. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i5.471