Automation & Security System for Public Transport

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Miss. Supriya satish Chougule, Dr. Mrs. Shubhangi B. Patil


The public transport remains the primary mode of transport for most of the population, and India's public transport systems are among the most heavily used in the world. Due to lack of facilities, passengers & transport services has to go through many problems. Sometimes passengers have to face serious bottlenecks when there are technical faults in the vehicle at the remote places. One of the major problems is the accident. Many times victims have to lose their lives due to delay in further primary health facilities. It may be the thing that some unpredicted technical faults in the vehicle cause accidents. Another serious issue is the malfunctioning. Employees who use the vehicle can provide the fake accounts to owner for money. This is the unsolved headache for transport services. Security of passengers from negative resources in society has become the most critical issue nowadays as there is a high risk to carry responsibility of number of passenger lives at the same time. Being the private services it is not possible to provide security against inhuman activities. So from all this it can be easily concluded that existing services are not able to satisfy basic requirements of passengers of this era.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1506163

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How to Cite
, M. S. satish C. D. M. S. B. P. (2015). Automation & Security System for Public Transport. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 4292–4294.