Improved Performance of Stability and Turbine Response of Hydro Power Plant System by Fuzzy Logic

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Amit Kumar Shukla, Mukesh Kumar Gupta


In this Research work, simulation model of typical canal kind small hydro-electric power plant developed through model inter-connection of assorted equipments of plant into consideration during MATLAB/SIMULINK based mostly package surroundings. Varied elements of tiny electricity plant, governor, semi-Kaplan turbine and open channel. Synchronous exciter, generators are being thought about below modeling and simulation. Aim is to check its behavior throughout transient condition. Victimization simulated model sweetening through Fuzzy logic controller are done to scale back oscillations, peak overshoot and peak undershoot throughout transient amount and additionally to enhance steady state response this invalidator prices and safety conditions, in choosing simplest alternatives within early phase of design and to see devices. Using fuzzy logic, the turbine response max overshoot is 0.25 and stabilizes at 0.36. Whereas using PID the turbine response max overshoot is 0.38 and stabilizes at 0.8. Without any controllers the max overshoot is 0.39 and stabilizes at 0.9.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1506144

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How to Cite
, A. K. S. M. K. G. (2015). Improved Performance of Stability and Turbine Response of Hydro Power Plant System by Fuzzy Logic. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 4201–4205.