Voice Based Navigation System For Blind People Using Ultrasonic Sensor

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Anushree Harsur, Chitra.M


As the technology is advancing day to day, the human machine interaction has become a must in our daily life. The interference has progressively become more important and advanced in order to ease the interaction process of the user and provide friendly operation. There are a few advanced technologies which are now accessible in the market to cater the needs, yet they have their own particular drawbacks, thus one of the efficient solutions is to use an embedded system. The primary objective of this work is to permit blind persons to explore autonomously in the outside environment. Ordinary route navigational systems in the outdoor environment are expensive and its manufacturing is time consuming. Blind people are at extensive drawback as they regularly do not have the data which is required, while passing obstacles and dangers. They generally have little information about data such as land marks, heading and self velocity information that is crucial for them to explore them through new environment. It is our conviction that advances in innovations could help and encourage these blind people in their regular operations. This work goes for giving the route to blind persons, by designing a cost – effective and more flexible navigation system. Here we are developing a navigation system that makes use of sounds in order to provide navigation instruction to the user. The conversion of speech into a text is done by a pocket sphinx and Google API, whereas the text to speech conversion is done by Espeak and here we are trying to convert the speech into an Indian language (Hindi). Route navigation is taken care by a Raspberry pi. The route questions queries of the destination location are geocoded utilizing Geo-coder module and then passed to Espeak (text to speech) module to create a pedestrian route. The user can include the location by talking into a microphone connected to raspberry pi. The whole system is mounted to a pack that sits on the client waist. It is light and convenient and it doesn't obstruct any of the client's detects while it is being utilized.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1506127

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How to Cite
, A. H. C. (2015). Voice Based Navigation System For Blind People Using Ultrasonic Sensor. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 4117–4122. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i6.4603