Authentication System Using Text and 3D Image Password

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B. B. Vikhe, Prof. Arpit Solanki


The purpose of this paper is increasing the safety house and avoiding the weakness of typical word. pc world surroundings authentication plays a vital role for word. User authentication is one amongst the foremost vital procedures needed to access secure and confidential information. Authentication of users is sometimes achieved through text-based passwords. Therefore researchers of recent days have gone for different strategies wherever in graphical image square measure used as a word. Image based mostly authentication permits user to form graphical word that has benefits over text-based passwords. Graphical passwords are designed to form passwords a lot of unforgettable and easier for folks to use. Persuasive Technology is employed to guide user’s alternative in click-based graphical passwords, exalting users to pick out a lot of random and therefore harder to guess click-points. during this paper, we've modified the method of clicking on the photographs and to form the word safer Advanced secret writing normal (AES) technique is employed so authentication are often come safer and word will be generated, attested & protected simply. This Paper is enhance the safety, a user has got to decide a sequence for the photographs used throughout registration.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1506119

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How to Cite
, B. B. V. P. A. S. (2015). Authentication System Using Text and 3D Image Password. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 4081–4084.