In Pursuit of an Easy to Use Brain Computer Interface for Domestic Use in a Population with Brain Injury

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Jean Daly, Andreas Pinegger ,Elaine Armstrong, Eileen Thomson, Gernot Müller-Putz, Suzanne Martin


This paper presents original research investigating a sensor based, ambient assisted smart home platform, within the framework of a brain computer interface (BackHome). This multimodal system integrates home-based sensors, mobile monitoring, with communication tools, web browsing, smart home control and cognitive rehabilitation. The target population are people living at home with acquired brain injury. This research engaged with the target population and those without brain injury, who provided a control for system testing. Aligned with our ethical governance a strong user centric ethos was foundational to participant engagement. Participant experience included three individual sessions to complete a pre-set protocol with supervision. Evaluation methodology included observations, time logging, completion of protocol and usability questionnaires. Results confirmed the average accuracy score for the people without brain injury was 82.6% (±4.7), performing best with the cognitive rehabilitation. Target end users recorded an average accuracy score of 76% (±11.5) with the speller logging the highest accuracy score. Additional outcomes included the need to refine the aesthetic appearance, as well as improving the reliability and responsiveness of the BCI. The findings outline the importance of engaging with end users to design and develop marketable BCI products for use in a domestic environment.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1506108

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How to Cite
, J. D. A. P. ,Elaine A. E. T. G. M.-P. S. M. (2015). In Pursuit of an Easy to Use Brain Computer Interface for Domestic Use in a Population with Brain Injury. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 4019–4029.