Online Interactive E-Learning Using Video Annotation

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Atul S. Choudhary, Prof. Balkrushna K.Patil


Streaming video on the Internet is being wide deployed, and work employment, E-lecture and distance education area unit key applications. The facility to annotate video on cyberspace can provide important added price in these and different areas. Written and spoken annotations can provide “in context” personal notes and would possibly modify asynchronous collaboration among groups of users. With annotations, users don't seem to be to any extent further restricted to viewing content passively on internet, but area unit absolve to add and share statement and links, therefore transforming internet into academic degree interactive medium. we tend to tend to debate vogue problems in constructing a cooperative video annotation system which we tend to introduce our model, called ABVR .We gift preliminary data on the employment of we tend Web-based annotations for personal note-taking and for sharing notes throughout a distance education scenario. Users showed a strong preference for ABVR System over pen-and-paper for taking notes, despite taking longer to undertake and do so. They put together indicated that they may produce further comments and queries with system ABVR than throughout a “live” state of affairs, that sharing added substantial price. and jump into videos at express time stamp by a tagging to the videos
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1506102

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How to Cite
, A. S. C. P. B. K. (2015). Online Interactive E-Learning Using Video Annotation. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 3993–3996.