Approach to Provide Single View of Employee Data to Readily Use for Data Analysis

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Mona Deshmukh,Nikita Haryani, Dr. M. A. Pund


Our aim is to develop a web application which will provide access to updated information about employees in the organization that can be used for data analysis and interpretation. An organization follows a particular structure like functional structure, divisional structure, product or matrix structure for its proper conduct. There can be various functional groups. Employees may be switched from one department to another because of changes in business requirements. They can be promoted or demoted based on their performance. It is necessary to have a system or mechanism that will keep the employee database updated at regular intervals. Many organizations can use this system to provide data for wider analysis. Also the system should be such that it takes care of all the security issues or rules of that organization. The proposed application will allow us to get the new data or existing data as input. Once data is uploaded to database, it can be edited and updated in order to reflect any changes. The application allows updating data monthly, quarterly or yearly based on business requirements. We can browse through the whole data and perform data analysis. Modern tools have been used (like Excel, Grid view) to access the application smoothly.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1506101

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How to Cite
, M. D. H. D. M. A. P. (2015). Approach to Provide Single View of Employee Data to Readily Use for Data Analysis. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 3988–3992.