Design and Analysis of Plastic Fuel Tank for Three Wheeler CNG Passenger Vehicle

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H. V. Chavan, Prof. S. R. Gawade


The current trend is to provide weight/strength effective and reliable products which satisfy the stringent requirements. The fuel tank is used in automobile industries to carry fuel and supply fuel to the engine via fuel filter, fuel pump. The aim of this project is to design plastic fuel tank for three wheeler vehicles. This study aimed at to make a new design of plastic fuel tank for three wheeler vehicles in order to reduce production cost of fuel tank and make most secure and safe fuel tank. The project involves geometry and finite element modeling of plastic fuel tank design. Study the existing fuel tank and then begins the attempt to make plastic fuel tank. Geometrical modeling was done using Pro-E; finite element modeling using Hyper mesh software and analysis was done using ANSYS software. Experimental test was conducted to examine the effectiveness of the plastic fuel tank. Result of static load analysis of the existing fuel tank and plastic fuel tank design is compared to prove the design is safe. Similarly experimental result of the existing fuel tank bracket and the plastic fuel tank bracket are compared to prove the design is safe. Plastic fuel tank design gives optimum design for same loading condition with huge amount of weight reduction.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150699

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How to Cite
, H. V. C. P. S. R. G. (2015). Design and Analysis of Plastic Fuel Tank for Three Wheeler CNG Passenger Vehicle. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 3976–3981.