PC Controlled Rain Simulation

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Smitha B V, Prof. C. R. Raghunath


Rainfall simulators have a long history of successful use in both laboratory and field investigations. A challenge faced today is to have practical method of assessing the impact of various natural phenomena on day to day life. With the climatic change taking place globally, there is necessity to simulate rain to assess and estimate its impact on our lives. It is developed with an objective to simulate rainfall which is computer controlled hardware implemented simulation for scaled model food godown. In this paper, we describe simulation of rain practically on a scaled model. The simulator is controlled by PC which can be programmed as per the requirement of user and can be modified and adopted easily. The process of PWM is achieved using a PC which has custom developed program interfaced to drive a water delivery system through PLC and MOSFET drive.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150644

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How to Cite
, S. B. V. P. C. R. R. (2015). PC Controlled Rain Simulation. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 3690–3694. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i6.4520