Secure Image Transmission with Secret Fragment Visible Mosaic Images

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Miss. Nayan A. Ardak, Prof. Nitin A. Shelke,


Mosaic means picture or decorative design made by setting small colour pieces, also mosaic is a composite picture made of overlapping images, photos etc. Reshuffle of the fragments of a one image in another image form a new image called mosaic image. To create a mosaic image, secret image is first divided into rectangular shaped fragments, called tile images, which are fitted into a target image called secret fragment visible mosaic image of same size. The mosaic image looks similar to preselected target image, is yield by dividing input image into fragments and transforming their colour into another colour. Greedy heuristic algorithm is proposed to find a related tile image of the secret image to fit into each block in the target image. The information related to the recovery of image is embedding inside target block with the help of lossless substitution scheme. The proposed method, designed for dealing with mosaic images which are useful for hiding secret images. To enhance the security of embed data proposed system also work.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150623

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How to Cite
, M. N. A. A. P. N. A. S. (2015). Secure Image Transmission with Secret Fragment Visible Mosaic Images. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 3595–3598.