Video Object Segmentation and Tracking Using GMM and GMM-RBF Method for Surveillance System

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Prasad I. Bhosle, Lokesh Bijole


Now a day’s computer vision has been applied to every organisation. Such that the all in security systems, computers are widely used regarding to this the security purpose every organisation are used different monitoring system i.e. surveillance system, suspicious monitoring system etc. Object tracking and explanation is the definitive purpose of many video processing systems. The two critical, low-level computer vision tasks that have been undertaken in this work are: Foreground-Background Segmentation and Object Tracking. In surveillance system cameras capture the footage for tracking suspicious movement in organisation, in this condition the videos prepare with the help of surveillance cameras the most difficult task is to tracking the object from the video and make the another image so that image should be vague to identification. Generally the surveillance system work We use a stochastic model of the background and also adapt the model through time. This adaptive nature is essential for long-term surveillance applications, particularly when the background composition or intensity distribution changes with time. In such cases, concept of a static reference background would no longer make sense.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150622

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How to Cite
, P. I. B. L. B. (2015). Video Object Segmentation and Tracking Using GMM and GMM-RBF Method for Surveillance System. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 3588–3594.