Performance Analysis of Induction Motor For Sudden Load Disturbance Using PI And FUZZY Controller

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Ritu Gopal, Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Singh, Mr. Amit Agrawal


This paper presents the improved performance in speed of an induction motor by applying vector control techniques which transforms the induction motor from nonlinear to linear plant system and fuzzy control system provides the better running performance of the induction motor at various disturbances in load by tracking the waves to reach the steady state response earlier than PI controller. The benefits of squirrel-cage induction motors are high robustness and low maintenance which make it widely used through various industrial modem processes, with growing economical and demands. In conventional FOC, PI controller is used to control the speed response of the induction motor drive. The use of PI controller induces many problems like high overshoot, oscillation of speed and torque due to sudden changes in load and external disturbances. This behavior of the controller causes deterioration of drive performance. To overcome this disadvantages an intelligent controller based on fuzzy logic is employed in the place of the conventional PI controller.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150613

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How to Cite
, R. G. D. D. K. S. M. A. A. (2015). Performance Analysis of Induction Motor For Sudden Load Disturbance Using PI And FUZZY Controller. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 3543–3546.