Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Traffic Control System

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Sachin M S, Prasanna P


The main objective of the project is to find the accident location by means of GPS and GSM technology. The system also controls the traffic density in the specified location. This system also provide vehicle tracking facility through GPS. The main purpose is to provide the information about the vehicle conditions to the authorized persons. In this project LPC2129 microcontroller is used as the main heart of the system and it is also cost effective and very easy to understand. The GSM and GPS module are integrated to the microcontroller which helps in the tracking of the vehicle. The exact location is represented through longitude and latitude values and those values are sent to the registered mobile numbers through GSM modem. This system plays an important role in avoiding the road accident and also helps in the tracking the accidental victims. Safety is very important in today’s world. Right use of technology will save lives of the people.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150609

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How to Cite
, S. M. S. P. P. (2015). Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Traffic Control System. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 3526–3531.