Secure IR Communication Design For Pre-Cardiac Arrest Detection In Wireless Body Area Network

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M. V. Karthikeyan, J. Martin Leo Manicka


This paper has got its vision and practical implementation from the basic idea with regard to Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks (WBASNs). The remote Body Area Sensor nodes are non-invasive which contributes to this project by making it more efficient in prototype design. The added features of low operating power and wireless intra IR communication have modified, the design and patient monitoring to a simplified version. Due to its low operating power and highly infrequent usage of the rechargeable battery power, the idea of zero maintenance is deployed. This system was developed for the earlier detection of cardiac arrest in human body. Though, numerous models were in existence, they are not practically suitable or considered as unique design for this highly secured and more miscommunicated wireless node communication. In this paper we have proposed a novel generation of a unique key for each of the patient to communicate with its own nearby node (mobile) and then to emergency unit. The basic demerit that existed in all the primitive models of direct communication with high power node has been eliminated in this proposed idea. When Wireless Body Area Sensor within two patients comes in more close proximity, there is a chance of cross communication or miscommunication i.e. picking up of sign signal of one patient by another patient (mobile) receiver. This leads to a chaotic situation and may even lead to the death of the patient if the other patient’s mobile sensor node is activated. For this reason, a unique ID is build which communicates with the mobile IR unit, where an android app is created to communicate through SMS with the patient caretaker, hospital and nearby ambulance network.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150608

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How to Cite
, M. V. K. J. M. L. M. (2015). Secure IR Communication Design For Pre-Cardiac Arrest Detection In Wireless Body Area Network. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 3520–3525.