Secure Communication with DNS through Cloud

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Akash Bajaj, Srujana, Vibha.V, Sinchana P.Shetty, Mohanesh B.M


Internet in today’s world has become one of the most prominent ways to communicate through text, voice, pictures, video and many more ways. Millions of MB of data is exchanged over internet in a single day all over the world. And lots of those data is sensitive and private. Thus internet provides as point to intrude in someone’s private life or intercept some sensitive data. With the increasing use of Smartphone, a big amount of data is being stored and exchange through the application running on its operating system. This have only increased the data exchange over the network. That’s why the importance of security over the exchange as well as storage of data has increased dramatically over the past few years. For providing security many different methods or ways are taken. Over those methods use of cryptography is one of the widely used methods.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150601

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How to Cite
, A. B. S. V. S. P. M. . B. (2015). Secure Communication with DNS through Cloud. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 3481–3486.