Improving I/O Performance using Cache as a Service on Cloud

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Apurva A. Khandekar, Prof. S. B. Mane


Caching is gaining popularity in Cloud world. It is one of the key technologies which plays a major role in bridging the performance gap between memory hierarchies through spatial or temporal localities. In cloud systems, heavy I/O activities are associated with different applications. Due to heavy I/O activities, performance is degrading. If caching is implemented, these applications would be benefited the most. The use of a Cache as a Service (CaaS) model as a cost efficient cache solution to the disk I/O problem. We have built the remote-memory based cache that is pluggable and file system independent to support various configurations. The cloud Server process introduce, pricing model together with the elastic cache system. This will increase the disk I/O performance of the IaaS, and it will reduce the usage of the physical machines.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1505168

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How to Cite
, A. A. K. P. S. B. M. (2015). Improving I/O Performance using Cache as a Service on Cloud. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(5), 3289–3292.