Comparative Study of Bituminous Mixes Modified by EVA and Crumb Rubber

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Sawant P.A., Kulkarni S.S.


A good wearing course play very important role for the protection of flexible pavement. Bitumen wearing course in the hot climate area not been performing good on heavy traffic volume highways with life of wearing course not exceeding four years due the brittleness caused by oxidation of binder. Use of bituminous mixes modified by Ethylene vinyl acetate and crumb rubber in the construction of flexible pavement is gaining importance because of many reasons. EVA and Crumb rubber is non biodegradable materials. Addition of this type of materials in the bituminous mixes increase the strength and life of flexible pavement. Conventional bitumen does not have attraction with water. When bitumen is used in flexible pavement during and after rainy season there is possibility of formation of potholes. Bitumen is not good with high air voids, due to which cracks are developed in the flexible pavement. The present work is carried out to find solutions on potholes and cracks formation in case of flexible pavement by the replacement of bitumen by EVA and crumb rubber in various percentages like 2 %, 4%, 6% by the weight in 60/70 grade bitumen.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1505162

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How to Cite
, S. P. K. S. (2015). Comparative Study of Bituminous Mixes Modified by EVA and Crumb Rubber. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(5), 3261 –.