Planning and Scheduling in Construction through Model Approach

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Shivani sakre, Prof.Abhijit .N. Bhirud


The ambiguity, delays, and complexity of projects in construction industry in the present scenario makes it needed for proper planning a particularly when the difficulty arises in the task for project managers due to the need to visualize the forthcoming activities at the construction site. Ability to manage the risk factors being foreseen is an important criterion for the success of the project. Conventional computer-assisted technology through software can help but is often limited to the practical issues involved. Virtual model of the project gives an improved method through the visualisation of construction activities by computer simulation. This paper explains the methods of virtual model analysis to optimize construction planning schedules by analysing resource allocation and planning. Construction & resource models, construction planning schedules and site-layout plans are taken help to optimize the project objectives.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1505115

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How to Cite
, S. sakre, P. .N. B. (2015). Planning and Scheduling in Construction through Model Approach. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(5), 3029–3031.