Cluster based Routing Algorithm to Minimize Energy Consumption in WSN

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Praveen Dodwadmath, Aijazahamed Qazi


Low energy consumption and increasing the network lifetime are key factors in proposing a wireless sensor network protocol. Clustering or hierarchical methods have been proven to be effective in decreasing the energy consumption. Clustering methods make use of cluster-heads in order to achieve the efficiency in wireless sensor networks. Gridding approach is used in clustering that divides the network layout into grid with nodes falling into the each grid. Cluster-head provides a hierarchy in the network, one between the nodes and cluster-head and second between the cluster-head and the base station. Cluster-heads aims at aggregating the data from sensor nodes and decrease the controlling data in the network. This idea increases the lifetime of the network by decreasing the energy consumed by the nodes. In cluster based routing algorithm with mass-centre approach to minimize energy consumption in WSN, election of the cluster-heads is carried out based on two parameters, one is energy and the other is mass-centre of the sensor nodes. Threshold energy is selected and all the nodes that have the energy levels higher than the threshold energy qualify to be cluster-head. The second factor is the mass-centre of the nodes in which the weight of the node that lies near the centre of the grid is chosen to be the cluster-head for the current round.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1505104

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How to Cite
, P. D. A. Q. (2015). Cluster based Routing Algorithm to Minimize Energy Consumption in WSN. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(5), 2976–2980.