Web Based Smart Volvo Bus Passenger Protection against Accident and Tracking Using Android Application

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Muhammad Najmudheen C.P., Shamsul Hassan Roman, Shabnum S.N., Pallavi K.S.


This paper conveys information of providing high range of security for Volvo buses including other heavy vehicles against accidents that may happen due to fire catching and accidents that may happen due to some obstacles. The vehicle will be fitted with the temperature sensor and IR sensor which will be continuously monitoring the temperature and obstacles that may come infront of the bus. In case of any fluctuation, the passengers and the driver are made alert and vehicle will be stopped automatically. The emergency doors and main door will be opened instantly so that the passengers can escape as soon as possible. The location of the vehicle will be tracked and sent to the control room and fire brigade authorities. An added advantage of the paper is the involvement of smart android application which will be updated with these scenarios. In case of any accidents or fire in the bus, the GSM module present in the bus will automatically send a message to the police station, fire station & ambulance for rescue operation along with the location with longitude and latitude values which can be tracked with the help of google map.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150534

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How to Cite
, M. N. C. S. H. R. S. S. P. K. (2015). Web Based Smart Volvo Bus Passenger Protection against Accident and Tracking Using Android Application. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(5), 2659–2665. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i5.4304