HMI for Interactive 3D Images with Integration of Industrial Process Control

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Gadhia Deep H., Mr. Chaitannya Mahatme, Vaghela Megha N.


This paper presents interactive 3D image use for HMI in industrial process control application. Visualization information has a very important role in industrial process. HMI (Human Machine Interface) is a device used in industries for GUI based display and control of the industrial processes. The goal is user should be able to view simple process through 3D images, interactive way and utilize touch based GUI to control process and change its behavior at run time. HMI currently implemented using 2D images to display information about the industrial process. This paper describes approaches for 3D images that are interactive and uses for controlling industrial process. OpenGL is used to render 3D graphics and QML (Qt Modeling Language) provide functionality for user interface using the Qt cross platform framework. Qt3D library provides a set of APIs to make 3D graphics programming easy and declarative. The developed system will be extended to integrate industrial process control application. Industrial Process communicates with target hardware using Modbus protocol.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150524

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How to Cite
, G. D. H. M. C. M. V. M. N. (2015). HMI for Interactive 3D Images with Integration of Industrial Process Control. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(5), 2612–2616.