Implementation of IPv6 in Embedded Device using LWIP TCP/IP Stack

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Mohsin Kesarani, Mr. Vikas Shirvastava


It is becoming trend of making every embedded devices connected wirelessly with each other. Due to large scale of deployment of IPv4 throughout internet, address spaces allowed by IPv4 is saturating and thus there is a strong need for implementing IPv6 into embedded devices. Despite the fact that there are numerous TCP/IP implementations for embedded and minimal systems, little research has been conducted in the area. Also currently, Allen Bradley’s Power Flex Drives based on Bacnet card implements TCP/IP stack that do not support IPv6. Thus, IPv6 using LWIP Stack has been implemented and tested on Bacnet card (Renesas H8S/2556 microcontroller). This paper covers brief overview of LWIP TCP/IP Stack. It also presents a design method to implement IPv6 in embedded device. Furthermore it presents LWIP stack flow, Tx/Rx packet process in Ethernet controller and actual implementation results of IPv6 in Bacnet card based Power flex drive
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150516

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How to Cite
, M. K. M. V. S. (2015). Implementation of IPv6 in Embedded Device using LWIP TCP/IP Stack. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(5), 2569–2573.