Solar Powered Optimal Battery Charging Scheme For Moving Robotic Vehicle

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Gaurav Andhare, Sachin Shelar


This paper focuses on the design and development of an optimization charging system for Li–Po batteries with the help of solar tracking panels. Therefore, the implementation of a complete energy management system applied to a robotic vehicle. The proposed system is to design Moving robotic Vehicle. The design concept, based on a microcontroller. On this basis, our proposal makes a dual signi?cant contribution. First upon, it presents the construction of a solar tracking mechanism aimed at increasing the robots power regardless of its mobility. Secondly, it proposes an alternative design of power system performance based on a pack of two batteries. The aim is completing the process of charging a battery independently while the other battery provides all the energy consumed by the robotic vehicle.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1604146

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How to Cite
, G. A. S. S. (2015). Solar Powered Optimal Battery Charging Scheme For Moving Robotic Vehicle. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(4), 2452–2455.