Video Anti Forensics - A Review

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Monika Ramesh Chourasiya, Avinash P. Wadhe


In the recent years the availability of the digital multimedia devices (such as cameras, mobile-phones, digital recorders, etc.) has increased rapidly. Digital photos have been widely used as historical records and as evidences of real happenings in applications from journalist reporting, police investigation, law enforcement, insurance, medical and dental examination, military, and museum to consumer photography. Forensic investigation endeavors to use science to uncover the transferred evidence and discern its meaning. The examination requires that the evidence be reliable and accurate to ensure a correct outcome. However, criminals may use anti-forensic methods to work against the process or interfere with the evidence itself. In this paper different techniques of anti-forensic are explained. Each of these proposed techniques accounts for distinct actions that compromise the availability or usefulness of evidence to the forensic process.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.160475

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How to Cite
, M. R. C. A. P. W. (2015). Video Anti Forensics - A Review. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(4), 2110–2114.