A Double Pipe Heat Exchanger – Fabrication and Standardization

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Prof.P.B.Dehankar, K.K.Pandhare, M.J.Vagare, V.M.Nerlekar


Heat exchangers are using in processes to recover heat between two process fluids in industries like chemical, petrochemical, food, beverage, thermal etc. Although the necessary equations for heat transfer and the pressure drop in a double pipe heat exchanger are available, using these equations the optimization for heat transfer parameter to standardization of experimental set up in laboratory. In this paper, fabrication of double pipe heat exchanger and standardized in laboratory scale by studied theoretical and experimental values for parameters friction factor, Reynold number along the mass flow rate range between 0.02 Kg/sec – 0.033 Kg/sec. Here standardized the new fabricated double pipe heat exchanger using Wilson plot and found out the value of constant ‘K’ for mass flow rate range between 0.02 Kg/sec – 0.033 Kg/sec.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.160423

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How to Cite
, P. K. M. V. (2015). A Double Pipe Heat Exchanger – Fabrication and Standardization. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(4), 1845–1847. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i4.4139