Building Trustworthiness of User-Feedbacks on Products in Online Shopping Environment

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Ankita Thakkar, Mrs. Deepali Vora


Lack of Trust is the main issue why people fear using E-Commerce for their regular shopping purpose, whereas E-Commerce is very much cost-effective as compared to traditional shopping. But people fear using E-Commerce just because there is no personal contact with the vendor. So it is a biggest challenge to remove this fear from the minds of buyers. The only solution to remove this fear is building Trust in their minds. There are many factors which should be focussed upon while building this trust, they are broadly classified as Knowledge-Based Trust which includes familiarity, reputation, brand, size, website quality, and customer service. We in this thesis have considered reputation as a factor to enhance the website quality. In our implementation we make sure that users give genuine feedbacks on the products. We use the concept of Sentiment Analysis to know the sentiment behind the given semantic feedback and check its concordance with rating given by the same user. If concordance is satisfactory user has to like or dislike five prefabricated feedbacks. Using both the concordance and like- dislike results, Trust Degree of the user is calculated. If the Trust Degree is above certain threshold then the feedback of that user is submitted to our website else the user is blocked. This is how we improve website quality by our implementation.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.160409

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How to Cite
, A. T. M. D. V. (2015). Building Trustworthiness of User-Feedbacks on Products in Online Shopping Environment. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(4), 1770–1772.