Estimation of Plant Leaf Area using Java Image Processing Techniques

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Parmar D. K., Ghodasara Y. R., Patel K. P., Patel K. V., Kathiriya D.R.


Leaf area represents the amount of leaf material in ecosystems and controls the links between biosphere and atmosphere through various processes like photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration and rain interception. It is also helpful parameter in evaluating damage caused by leaf diseases and pastes, micronutrient deficiencies, water and environmental stress, need of fertilization for effective management and treatment. Precision agriculture production adapting rapid and accurate methods to measure plant leaf area. At presently, grid counting and Leaf Area Meter (Li3100) are used as conventional methods for leaf area estimation. These methods are simple in principle and highly accurate but tend to be time consuming. The above constraints can be overcome by proposed Leaf Area Meter (LAM); a Java based Image processing software application. The software application has many advantages like User friendly, fast, accurate and reusable. The paper discusses different Leaf Area (LA) estimation methods namely Instrument based Using Li 3100 Machine, Manual Graph based Method and Software based Method. Results show that LAM software gives 99.96% to 95.31% accurate results for different leaves except Jasud. Between two image formats, .jpg format shows comparatively less error than .png format.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150291

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How to Cite
, P. D. K. G. Y. R. P. K. P. P. K. V. K. D. (2015). Estimation of Plant Leaf Area using Java Image Processing Techniques. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(2), 848–851.