Detection and Prevention of Unknown Vulnerabilities on Enterprise IP Networks

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Vincy Rose Chacko, M. Navneetha Krishnan


Computer networks have long become the backbone of Enterprise Information System. The substantial share of the security problems are still encountered in Enterprise Network. Cyber espionage can effect Ethical, Military, Political and Economic interest anywhere. To provide secure computer networks, it is necessary to measure the relative effectiveness of security solution in the network. A network security metric enable a direct measurement and comparison of the amounts of security provided by different security solutions .In this paper we propose a novel security metric Zero Day Vulnerability Prevention Framework consists of bunches of algorithms. The above framework detects and prevents unknown vulnerabilities in Enterprise IP networks. It also protects the behavior of the sessions performed by the user from the huge range of attacks. It helps in monitoring database requests and prevents the attacks. The proposed framework also implements worm and virus detection to evaluate malware from the data. The system also presents scoring to the vulnerabilities and finally it performs security analysis with the help of Topological Vulnerability Analysis (TVA) tool.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150286

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How to Cite
, V. R. C. . M. N. K. (2015). Detection and Prevention of Unknown Vulnerabilities on Enterprise IP Networks. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(2), 828–834.