Review on Botnet Threat Detection in P2P

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Mohini N. Umale, Prof. A. B. Deshmukh, Prof. M. D. Tambakhe


Botnets are nothing but the malicious codes such as viruses which are used for attacking the computers. These are act as threats and are very harmful. Due to distributed nature of botnets, it is hard to detect them in peer-to-peer networks. So we require the smarter technique to detect such threats. The automatic detection of botnet traffic is of high importance for service providers and large campus network monitoring. This paper gives the review on the various techniques used to detect such botnets.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150266

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How to Cite
, M. N. U. P. A. B. D. P. M. D. T. (2015). Review on Botnet Threat Detection in P2P. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(2), 753–756.