Analysis of External Links of video using Association Rule Mining

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Pooja D. Mahamuni, Prof. H. A. Hingoliwala


Now a days, to increase the popularity of video sharing site they provide a external link, so that their video or audio content can be embedded into external website. User can copy that URL of that embedded link & post on their own blog or website. In this paper our intension is to increase the popularity & measure the quantification. We provide the measurement & analysis on this external link. With the results collected from two major video sharing site like You tube & Youku we observed that these links have an various impact on popularity. Videos that have been uploaded for ten months in Youku, around 20% of views can come from external links. Next, we analyzed that correlation between internal & external link. Another observation is Youku has comparatively more impact than You tube.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150262

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How to Cite
, P. D. M. P. H. A. H. (2015). Analysis of External Links of video using Association Rule Mining. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(2), 731–734.