Knowledge of IPM Practices among Cotton Growers of Sabarkantha District; Gujarat, India

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Mukesh. R. Patel, Sarita Sanwal


India is the pioneer country for the commercial cultivation of hybrid cotton. Cotton is one of the principal commercial crops and has been one of the main sources of Indias economic growth and foreign exchange earner. Gujarat is the second largest cotton producing state of India. In Gujarat state Sabarkantha is also has major area under cotton crop. The study was conducted in Sabarkantha District of Gujarat State. Sabarkantha district was selected purposively on the basis of leading hybrid cotton growing area. Total sample size 240 respondents of cotton growers were selected from twelve villages of the district. The cotton crop is attacked by a number of insect, pests, diseases, nematodes and weeds. So, the aims of the study were to study the knowledge of cotton growers about IPM technology and find correlation between selected personal, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of cotton growers and their knowledge of IPM technology. A perusal of the data indicated that cotton growers had medium level of knowledge regarding IPM technology in cotton, In case of independent variable like age and land holding was found no-significant relationship with their knowledge level while selected remaining independent variables were found significant relationship with their knowledge level of farmer regarding IPM technology.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150204

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How to Cite
, M. R. P. S. S. (2015). Knowledge of IPM Practices among Cotton Growers of Sabarkantha District; Gujarat, India. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(2), 444–446.