Analysis and Improvement of Pegasis using Sink Mobility

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Shifali Goyal, Balraj Singh Sidhu


WSN is a distributed network to sense diverse physical conditions of the environment using sensors. Sensor nodes could be static or moving. Wireless routing protocols try to ensure efficient transmission of data in WSN. Many routing protocols have been proposed such as LEACH (low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy), PEGASIS (power efficient gathering in sensor information system), TEEN (threshold sensitive energy efficient sensor network protocol). The new algorithm is proposed on the basis of mobility of sink. Using multi-chain, multi-head and sink mobility algorithm, the network can achieve better lifetime. The PEGASIS protocol presented here is a chain-based routing protocol where sensor uses greedy algorithm to form a chain data. In the proposed technique, mobile sink moves along its path and stays at a sojourn location for a sojourn time and guarantees complete collection of data. In this proposed algorithm a path has been developed of mobile sink and then wide range of experiments have been performed to access the performance of the proposed model.

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How to Cite
, S. G. B. S. S. (2014). Analysis and Improvement of Pegasis using Sink Mobility. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(8), 2545–2549.