Single image super resolution using compressive K-SVD and fusion of sparse approximation algorithms

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Aneesh G Nath, Retheesh V V


Super Resolution based on Compressed Sensing (CS) considers low resolution (LR) image patch as the compressive measurement of its corresponding high resolution (HR) patch. In this paper we propose a single image super resolution scheme with compressive K-SVD algorithm(CKSVD) for dictionary learning incorporating fusion of sparse approximation algorithms to produce better results. The CKSVD algorithm is able to learn a dictionary on a set of training signals using only compressive sensing measurements of them. In the fusion based scheme used for sparse approximation, several CS reconstruction algorithms participate and they are executed in parallel, independently. The final estimate of the underlying sparse signal is derived by fusing the estimates obtained from the participating algorithms. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme demands fewer CS measurements for creating better quality super resolved images in terms of both PSNR and visual perception.

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How to Cite
, A. G. N. R. V. V. (2014). Single image super resolution using compressive K-SVD and fusion of sparse approximation algorithms. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(8), 2497–2502.