Generic Approaches for Node Co operation in Ad hoc Networks

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Shabana Sultana, Dr. C. Vidya Raj


In this paper, we review the approaches that uses the Generic methods to enforce cooperation in ad hoc routing. A very common assumption in the analysis and development of networking algorithms is the full co-operation of the participating nodes. However, the reality may differ considerably. The existence of multiple domains belonging to different authorities or even the selfishness of the nodes themselves could result in a performance that significantly deviates from the expected one. This review aims at providing the most popular Generic approaches to avoid selfishness in forwarding packets in ad hoc networks. This paper also discusses briefly the applications and issues in ad hoc wireless networks.

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How to Cite
, S. S. D. C. V. R. (2014). Generic Approaches for Node Co operation in Ad hoc Networks. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(8), 2419–2422.