Concurrent Context-Free Framework for Conceptual Similarity Problem using Reverse Dictionary

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V. Nageena, Ch. Ratna kumari


Semantic search is one of the most prominent options to search the required and relevant content from the web. But most of them are doing key word and phrase wise similarity search. It may or may not find the relevant information because they directly search with that phrase. But, in most of the cases documents may conceptually equal instead of term wise. Reverse dictionary can solve such type of problems. This will take meaning of the word and it will return related keywords with respective ranks. But main problem here is building such dictionaries is time and memory consuming. Cost effective solutions are required to reduce search time and in-memory requirements. This paper focuses on such aspects by utilizing concurrent programming and efficient index structures and builds a framework to Conceptual similarity problem using reverse dictionary. Simulation results shows that proposed approach can take less time when compared to existing approaches.

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How to Cite
, V. N. C. R. kumari. (2014). Concurrent Context-Free Framework for Conceptual Similarity Problem using Reverse Dictionary. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(8), 2390–2393.