I/O Workload in Virtualized Data Center Using Hypervisor

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Mr. M. Rajesh, Dr. G. Singaravel


Cloud computing [10] is gaining popularity as it’s the way to virtualize the datacenter and increase flexibility in the use of computation resources. This virtual machine approach can dramatically improve the efficiency, power utilization and availability of costly hardware resources, such as CPU and memory. Virtualization in datacenter had been done in the back end of Eucalyptus software and Front end was installed on another CPU. The operation of performance measurement had been done in network I/O applications environment of virtualized cloud. Then measurement was analyzed based on performance impact of co-locating applications in a virtualized cloud in terms of throughput and resource sharing effectiveness, including the impact of idle instances on applications that are running concurrently on the same physical host. This project proposes the virtualization technology which uses the hypervisor to install the Eucalyptus software in single physical machine for setting up a cloud computing environment. By using the hypervisor, the front end and back end of eucalyptus software will be installed in the same machine. The performance will be measured based on the interference in parallel processing of CPU and network intensive workloads by using the Xen Virtual Machine Monitors. The main motivation of this project is to provide the scalable virtualized datacenter.

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How to Cite
, M. M. R. D. G. S. (2014). I/O Workload in Virtualized Data Center Using Hypervisor. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(8), 2256–2260. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v2i8.3690