Secure Transmission To Remote Cooperative Groups With Minimized Communication Overhead

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K.Udaya Ravi Kiran, Mrs.Usha Devi SSSN


In Wireless Mesh networks there is a need to Multicast to a remote cooperative group using encrypted transmission. The existing paradigms failed to provide better efficiency and security in these kind of transmissions. A major challenge in devising such a system involves in achieving efficient usage of Bandwidth and Reducing the number of unintended receivers. In this paper we circumvent these obstacles and close this gap by involving a sender based algorithm .This new paradigm is a hybrid of traditional Multicasting, shortest path techniques and group key management. In such a system, for every source destination pair the protocol adaptively calculates the mean delays along all the utilized paths and avoid the paths with greater or equal mean delays. Which eventually reduces the usage of unwanted paths and also results in reducing the number of unintended receivers at a considerable rate. This approach efficiently deals with the computation overhead and usage of network resources. Further more our scheme provides better security by reducing the number of unintended receivers..

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How to Cite
, K. R. K. M. D. S. (2014). Secure Transmission To Remote Cooperative Groups With Minimized Communication Overhead. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(8), 2144–2147.